Jane (51)
Jane is an utterly gorgeous kind soul who sought my advice about regaining some definition in her facial lower third.
The fullness in her neck and jowl formation masked her neat petite facial features and her low lying lateral brow line made her eyes look heavy and tired. Together we undertook a face and neck lift, platysmaplasty, lateral temporal brow lift and a submental and jawline liposuction. This is her story.

One Day
After Surgery
Jane’s surgery yesterday went just great. The morning after she is in good spirits and already her new neck line looks wonderful.
The lateral brow elevation has really opened her eyes nicely and her jawline is sculpted – literally! A few duvet days ahead with icepacks and a stiff neck but she should have a brilliant result.
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One Week
After Surgery
Jane is back for removal of her stitches at a week and looking fantastic. Her whole face shape has changed, her jaw and neck lines are defined.
The gentle brow elevation has really opened Jane’s eyes and her mid face lift has improved the under eye hollowing. Jane tells me people used to tell her to cheer up, when you would be hard pressed to find a more cheerful person – her new face suits her so much better! The last of her bruises should fade over the next week and swelling will take another week or 2 after that. Looking forward to seeing her at 4 weeks.

Five Weeks
After Surgery
For only five weeks out from pretty extensive facial surgery and a lot of re-sculpting she has healed really quickly.
The reduction in lower third and neck volume and revolumisation of her mid face has made Jane’s facial proportions visibly appealing and beautiful. I am delighted for her, it couldn’t happen to a nicer person.
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Three Months
After Surgery
I love reviewing Jane, she never fails to make the day a little brighter.
At 3 months out she should now be done with settling into her new face and all of the post surgical swelling has now settled leaving a beautifully proportionate petite face. Neck line and mid facial volume restored she literally looks 20 years younger than her actual age.

Six Months
After Surgery
Here is Jane at 6 months, as beautiful as ever.
Her lateral brow lift has really opened her eyes nicely whilst the mid facelift supports the previously sunken lower lid complex. She radiates confidence today which is so lovely to see.
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Facelift Surgery?
The definitive guide to anyone considering facelift and neck lift surgery at our London or Tunbridge Wells locations. Essential research for potential patients.
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